How to Enjoy Spring During the Lock-Down

There was never going to be a good time for a global lock-down caused by a pandemic, but it really sucks that it’s happened during spring. I’m well aware of my privilege, that I have a garden where I can spend time outdoors, but I’m really missing all the usual spring activities. I’m trying to get outdoors as often as possible, basking in the sunshine and seeking out all the blossom and flowers close to my home. But there are other places, farther flung that I wish I could visit. I’d love to spend a spring day on the beach, enjoy a picnic with friends or even just take a longer walk that isn’t within a mile of my home.

I’ve been thinking of ways that we can still enjoy spring during the lock-down, no matter where we live or what outdoor space we have access to. I thought I’d share some of these here, along with these photos of the blackthorn blossom that I was lucky to photograph just metres from my front door. If you have any other suggestions, I’d love to read them in the comments.


I’ve been bringing back little bits of nature collected on my daily walks to decorate my home. Whether that’s a vase of flowers picked from the side of the road, dried grasses foraged from your own garden or feathers found on the floor, bringing a little bit of nature into your home helps to cheer you up and remind you that it’s spring. Fill vases with flowers, create spring wreathes to hang on the walls or gather small bits of foliage to get creative with.


Its feeling unseasonably warm, so I’ve been throwing open the windows at every opportunity to air the house. Even if you’re trapped inside, opening a window to let in the fresh air can help you catch a little glimmer of spring. If you can, make a makeshift window seat where you can get as close as possible to the window to breathe in that spring air. If your bed is by a window, pile it with cushions to make a reading den with a view, or drag your favourite armchair close to a window.


If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, use this time to get out in it and plant your own fruit, veg or flowers. You don’t have to have a huge garden to grow something; a small patch of land, a balcony or even your windowsill can be utilised to grow anything from a thriving vegetable patch to a couple of tomato plants. We’ve gone OTT building bedding boxes in every available space in our garden, propagating seeds on our window sills and lining up pots by our front door.


We’re still allowed to get outdoors for exercise once a day (in the U.K) so make the most of that time. I walk my dog through the woods or up onto the hills, but if you live someplace rural seek out your closest park or nature reserve. If you don’t have green spaces close by (or they’re closed), take a walk around the neighborhood and admire the flowers growing or trees in blossom on the streets that you wander down.


If you can’t find any fresh flowers on your walks, there are plenty of places online where you can buy dried flowers to decorate your home. Fill vases with dried flowers in every room to introduce a little hint of spring into your home.


Picnics in the park may be on hold for now, but if you have an outdoor space you can still enjoy eating al fresco. Bring your breakfast, lunch or dinner (heck, all three!) out into your garden, balcony or even just perched on your doorstep and enjoy the simple pleasure of eating food outdoors.


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